Success Stories

We’ve changed the lives of countless clients.


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When I met John and his wife they were paying high tax and their CPA at the time was not being proactive.

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After reviewing and amending John’s prior 3 years tax returns, we were able to get him an $80,000 refund due to a mistake made by this former CPA. We worked with John and his wife over the years to position them to benefit from Real Estate Losses. In 2020, we positioned him to carryback a large depreciation loss to 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019.

The ResultsThe Results icon

All of their Federal taxes for the past 6 years were refunded to them on top of the initial $80,000 refund.

Rodrigo and Natalie

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After meeting Rodrigo and Natalie, we realised they had an incredibly high tax rate.

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Their previous CPA prepared tax returns and did their bookkeeping but did not provide them with a tax strategy. Their income was $3,500,000 in the year we met them. They were worried about paying a lot of their income in taxes. We were able to help them with a tax strategy that solved this concern.

The ResultsThe Results icon

After putting their tax strategy in place we were able to save them over $1,500,000 in Federal and State taxes.


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After meeting Chad and his wife we quickly realized that their previous CPA was only preparing their tax returns and was not concerned about being proactive. Their CPA was a mechanical tax preparer.

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We met with Chad and his wife and listened to their goals and put in place a tax strategy to get them there.

The ResultsThe Results icon

After following our recommendations we were able to save them over $400,000 in Federal and State tax in year one. Their tax strategy that we put into place will continue to save them tax for many years to come.


The ChallengeThe Challenge icon

When we met Andrea she was a real Estate Agent that didn’t own her own home and had little to show for her years of work.

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We coached her on how to reduce her tax liability and to save more for her retirement and home purchase.

The ResultsThe Results icon

After working with us for 2 years, she is now saving for retirement and will purchase her first home this year.